Skullstone is an upcoming 3D grid-based dungeon crawler inspired by genre classics such as Dungeon Master and Stonekeep, as well as more modern games such as Legend of Grimrock. What this means in gameplay terms is that you will spend a lot of your time hopping along the dungeon floor, cleaving through hordes of enemies, falling into deviously concealed traps, and naturally, searching for a variety of secret chambers.
If you're wondering what all of this might look like in action, wonder no more as the developers have recently posted a gameplay trailer. Before you dive in, however, do bear in mind that the footage is from a fairly early build, so chances are there will be numerous improvements by the time Skullstone actually launches. Here's the video:
And speaking of launch dates, I'm afraid there currently isn't any as Skullstone is still under heavy development, though it is expected to arrive at some point in 2017. If you would like to learn more, or just check out a couple of the earlier videos, you should head on over to the official website. And finally, here's a couple of the latest images: