World of Warcraft: Legion screenshot of Darkheart Thicket

World of Warcraft's Legion expansion represents a massive departure from Warlords of Draenor and a return to a more "classic" World of Warcraft. As you might expect, this shift in design philosophy has drastically improved World of Warcraft's gameplay, so much so that it once again feels fresh and interesting.

If you're an old player simply looking to see if WoW is once again the game for you, or even if you're a brand new player trying to figure out what in the world all of this is about, here's a gameplay video to hopefully give you the answers you need. The footage below features one of Legion's early leveling dungeons, Darkheart Thicket, so don't worry about any important spoilers and just enjoy the Demon Hunter gameplay.


If you're interested in my full, detailed review for World of Warcraft: Legion, you can find it by heading over here. I hope you enjoyed the video!

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