A Hat in Time: Seal the Deal screenshot of a smoking walrus

If you've managed to complete pretty much everything A Hat in Time has to offer and you're itching for more, you'll be glad to hear that the Seal the Deal DLC has now arrived. It brings with it an all new chapter in the shape of The Arctic Cruise, a fairly brutal Death Wish difficulty setting, local split-screen co-op, as well as a ton of new outfits and dyes to collect.

Perhaps most importantly of all, the entire DLC is free to grab for a limited time, so whether you're planning to dive in now or save it for later, I would highly recommend you head on over to Steam and secure yourself a copy. I'm not exactly sure how long it'll remain free, so it's better to err on the side of caution and get it now.

For those of you wondering what exactly Seal the Deal looks like in-game, as well as whether the name itself is a pun, you'll find the answers you seek in the trailer down below. Have a gander:

You can learn more about Seal the Deal, as well as A Hat in Time itself, by visiting either the official website or Steam. Have fun, and do make sure to try out the Death Wish difficulty. It's supposedly a challenge worthy of the name, which should be quite interesting to experience!

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