DayZ screenshot of a ruined road and a character walking on it

After nearly 5 years in development, DayZ has just recently transitioned to Beta alongside a massive patch. Now, if you're expecting the same pattern to repeat for DayZ's journey to full release, I'm afraid you would be quite wrong as the developers have now announced that DayZ 1.0 will be officially arriving on December 13th - a mere month after the start of the Beta phase!

While the recently posted trailer might not offer much in terms of details, it should at least give you an idea of the sort of visual improvements DayZ has been undergoing in the past few months. Have a gander:

Personally, I would highly recommend you approach DayZ with a bit of cautious optimism. The most recent beta still had a ton of issues that needed to be fixed, and while I do hope the developers have managed to do just that, let's just say I wouldn't be surprised if they haven't given how little time they've had to do so. But whatever the case may be, it's certainly going to be interesting to see what happens with DayZ once it finally launches!

To learn more about DayZ, as well as its move from Beta to full release, you should head on over to either the official website or Steam.

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