Borderlands 3 official artwork and logo

[Update #2]: Borderlands devs are working on a more RPG focused spin-off - Tiny Tina's Wonderlands.

[Update]:The latest Guns, Love and Tentacles DLC has now arrived, and unfortunately it's a bit on the short side of things.

Borderlands 3 launched for both PC and consoles back in September of 2019, with the PC version being exclusive to the Epic Games Store. Six months have past since then, however, and the exclusivity period is now over. So if you're not a fan of the Epic Games Store, or if you simply want the entire series in one place, then you'll be glad to hear Borderlands 3 has now also made its way to Steam.

Given how important co-op is to the Borderlands 3 experience, it's well worth mentioning that there is cross-play between the PC versions. In other words, it doesn't matter if you're playing on the Epic Games Store or the newly launched Steam version, you'll be able to blast away bandits and madmen with exactly the same fellow players.

For those of you unfamiliar with the series, or simply looking to brush up on what makes Borderlands 3 tick, allow me to share with you the "Official Guide to the Borderlands." Have a peek:

You can read a little bit more about Borderlands 3, as well as check out some of the user reviews for the newly launched version, over at Steam. Have fun!

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