Gloomhaven official screenshot of a very angry rogue

After spending around two years in Steam's Early Access program, the digital adaptation of the popular board game Gloomhaven has now finally been unleashed in full. The launch version brings with it 17 unique characters, the complete board game campaign, an additional digital-only campaign, the ability to play both solo and co-op with up to four players, and the list goes on for a while.

What all of this looks like in action, that you can get a pretty good impression of through the recent gameplay overview trailer. Have a peek, it's quite an informative one:

Given the way Gloomhaven is played on the tabletop, it should come as little surprise to hear that the video game version is not a 1:1 copy. Some of the elements and mechanics simply could not be ported over to the digital space so they have been tweaked a bit, while others have been streamlined in order to remove some of the busywork. So while it's still the same game at its very core, be prepared for a bit of a adjustment period if you're a veteran.

To learn more about Gloomhaven, as well as check out some of the user reviews released since the Early Access launch, I'd suggest heading over to Steam. Have fun!

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