After two years of Epic Games Store exclusivity, Ubisoft's Viking flavored open world action-adventure Assassin's Creed Valhalla has now landed onto Steam. More importantly, it has done so alongside a sizable discount which has brought the price down from €60 to €20.
This discount also extends to the various DLCs, so if you find yourself liking what Assassin's Creed Valhalla has to offer, consider giving those a try as well. Don't dawdle for too long, however, as the sale will be going away on January 5th.
As for what exactly Assassin's Creed Valhalla looks like in action, as well as what you can even do in it, that you can check out through the deep dive trailer below. Have a gander:
It's also important to note that the Steam version currently appears to be suffering from some audio quality issues. So unless you're willing to risk it and hope you're not one of the affected ones, it might be a good idea to give Ubisoft a little bit of extra time to get everything squared out and ready to go before you dive in.
Whatever your plans may be, you can keep an eye on any sort of updates, as well as ready a bunch of player reviews, over at Steam. Enjoy, and I'll leave you with one of the lengthier gameplay previews: