The Knights of the Mediterranean expansion artwork for Age of Empires 3: Definitive Edition strategy game

[Update]: The Knights of the Mediterranean expansion has now arrived, and so far things are looking pretty good.

Despite it being somewhat overshadowed by the much more popular Age of Empires 2 and 4, I'm happy to say that Age of Empires 3 has not been forgotten. In fact, it's actually going through a bit of a renaissance right now as the Definitive Edition is getting ready to receive a brand new expansion on May 26th, 2022!

The Knights of the Mediterranean will bring with it Malta and Italy as two new civilizations, an assortment of all-new historical maps modeled after some of the most memorable European conflicts, as well as a casual friendly new game mode - Tycoon. This one is a little bit unusual since the focus is not on direct combat, but rather on economic superiority. A bit of an unexpected addition for an Age of Empires game, but it should at the very least be a nice little break from the hectic multiplayer matches.

As for what these additions look like in action, that you can find out through the recently posted trailer. Have a gander, it's a rather short one:

Once The Knights of the Mediterranean expansion goes live I'll make sure to let you know. Until then, you can read a few more tidbits about it over at Steam. Enjoy!

Age of Empires 3: Definitive Edition screenshot of Italy from the Knights of the Mediterranean expansion

Age of Empires 3: Definitive Edition screenshot of a multiplayer siege battle from the Knights of the Mediterranean expansion

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