Ubisoft's Eagle Flight VR game screenshot

One of the biggest threats to VR right now is the lack of actually enjoyable games, especially when you consider how expensive the headsets are, so to see platform-exclusive games before VR has even become "a thing" is a rather big problem. Thankfully, it appears that Ubisoft is well aware of this issue as they have just announced that all of their VR games will support cross-platform play.

In other words, you will be able to play Eagle Flight (only one currently released), Werewolves Within, and Star Trek: Bridge Crew on all three main platforms: PSVR, Oculus Rift, and HTC Vive. And best of all, all three games will allow you to team up or play against other players, no matter the platform! As for why exactly they're doing this, Ubisoft had the following to say:

“Making our VR titles cross-platform has been a goal of ours from the start and we’re happy to announce that Eagle Flight, Werewolves Within, and Star Trek: Bridge Crew will be playable cross-platform on PSVR, Oculus Rift, and HTC Vive. Our games feature a strong multiplayer experiences, so letting friends play together regardless of which headset they own will enhance the social nature of our games and let them be played the way we envisioned.”

Eagle Flight is currently available on PSVR and Oculus Rift, while the HTC Vive version will be coming on December 20. As for the other two games, Werewolves Within is scheduled to launch on December 6, while Star Trek: Bridge Crew is coming a bit later, March 14 to be specific. Unlike Eagle Flight, however, both of the upcoming games will be available for all three platforms on launch.

And finally, since Eagle Flight is the only one currently available, here's a brief video showcasing what exactly its all about:

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