Remaster screenshot of Croc: Legend of the Gobbos

In an announcement that came seemingly out of nowhere, the resurrected Argonaut Games studio have revealed that they are working on a remastered version of an ancient PlayStation platformer - Croc: Legend of the Gobbos! As you might expect, the new version will come with improved visuals, smoother controls, a variety of bonus features like concept art, and perhaps most importantly of all, a better camera.

What these improved visuals look like in action, however, that you can check out through the freshly posted trailer. Have a gander:

Funnily enough, I actually tried replaying the Croc series a couple of years ago since they were a pretty big part of my childhood. While I did find the experience to be highly nostalgic, the actual gameplay didn't hold up all too well. I just found the controls to be a bit too stiff for all the precise platforming you're expected to do on the regular. As such, I really do hope the remaster will manage to uplift the gameplay and make it just as smooth and captivating as I imagined it was back when I was a kid.

Whatever the future may bring, I'll make sure to let you know once Croc: Legend of the Gobbos arrives onto PC and consoles at some point "soon". Until then, I'll leave you with a couple of teaser images:

Croc: Legend of the Gobbos screenshot from the 2024 remastered version

Croc: Legend of the Gobbos screenshot from the 2024 remastered version of Croc running away

Croc: Legend of the Gobbos concept art from the 2024 remaster

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