Apex Legends screenshot of the new Skull Town arena

[Update]: The Genesis event is now live, though the servers are struggling a bit with the sheer amount of players.

If you're in the mood for a bit of nostalgia, or if you simply want to check out where it all began, you'll be happy to hear Apex Legends' upcoming Genesis event will bring back the original Kings Canyon and World's Edge maps for a limited time. They will rotate in one hour increments throughout the duration of the event in both normal Trios and Duos, which should give you plenty of chances to enjoy the madness that is the southern part of the original Kings Canyon!

Speaking of which, I'm also happy to say that one of the most iconic locations in all of Apex Legends, the original Skull Town, will be coming back as a brand new Arena map. Best of all, this Skull Town will be sticking around for good!

As for what exactly all of this will look like in-game, as well as what sort of cosmetics you can expect to see arrive alongside the two maps, that you can find out through the recently posted trailer. Have a gander:

As for the launch date, you can expect to see the Genesis event land onto both PC and consoles this June 29, 2021. The one bit of bad news is that it'll only last until July 13, so if you're planning to dive in you might want to do so sooner rather than later.

It's also worth mentioning that the Genesis event will bring with it a couple of free cosmetics for everyone to unlock. This time around we're looking at legendary skins for both the Charge Rifle and EVA shotgun, along with a Wattson epic skin and a couple of other minor but nifty additions.

You can check out the full list of rewards, as well as keep an eye on any future announcements, over at the Apex Legends website. Enjoy, and see you in Skull Town!

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