Apex Legends artwork showing off Horizon and the new map Olympus

[Update #2]: Apex Legends has now landed onto Steam alongside the massive Season 7 update, though not without major problems.

[Update]: Apex Legends Season 7 preview shows off the flying Olympus map and Trident transport vehicle.

During the recent announcement, developer Respawn Entertainment revealed that Apex Legends will be coming to Steam this November 4th alongside a massive Season 7 update. While the full details behind Season 7 are still shrouded in mystery, the stuff shown so far indicates it might just be the biggest updates Apex Legends has ever seen!

First and foremost, the Season 7 update will bring with it a huge new map to explore - Olympus. Most of the action will take place in a beautiful floating city, which as you might imagine, means there will be plenty of places to accidentally (or perhaps even intentionally) plummet all the way down to the planet's surface.

Best of all, in order to help navigate Olympus, Season 7 will add the very first squad-based vehicle - the Trident. Very little is known about the Trident so far, but judging by the small teaser image below, it looks like a flying vehicle primarily focused on transportation, with limited or perhaps even nonexistent combat options.

Apex Legends screenshot of the Trident vehicle teaser

The image is a bit blown out, but that's definitely transport ship of some sort

The third major inclusion is Horizon - a rather unfortunate astrophysicist that is capable of manipulating gravity. What exactly that means in gameplay terms, I'm afraid I don't know, but you can get a pretty good idea of what her story is about through the recently posted animated short:

Since Apex Legends is one of those games that is infinitely more fun to play alongside a couple of friends, I'm happy to say that Season 7 will also be bringing in guilds, or rather Clubs. These will allow you to find like-minded players, build a community, and ensure that you never again suffer through the madness that is solo-queue!

Besides all of the fancy new content, Season 7 will be adding the standard Battle Pass filled with new cosmetics, an assortment of bug fixes and balance changes, as well as a brand new ranked season to compete in. You can read a little bit more about all of this, as well as keep an eye on Season 7's imminent launch, over at the official website.

For now, however, enjoy the current maps as it looks like Olympus will be the main focus for quite a while!

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