Apex Legends artwork for Rampart

[Update]: Apex Legends' Season 6 has now finally arrived alongside Rampart, a new energy SMG, and item crafting!

This August 18th Apex Legends' Season 6 will be making its way to PC and consoles alongside a bunch of new content. There'll be a brand new energy SMG called Volt, a new Battle Pass filled with cosmetics to collect, the option to craft your own gear by gathering materials throughout the map, and most excitingly, a heavy-weapons focused Legend by the name of Rampart.

So if you're curious about what Rampart has to offer, as well as what her abilities are all about, you can find the answers you seek in the recently posted preview. Have a peek, it's a rather fun one:

While I like her design, I must admit I am somewhat worried about how Rampart will fit into the existing roster. Her weakness seem to be grenades pushing her out of cover and away from her turret, but legends like Wattson can completely negate that, and thus make player-made fortresses even more of a nightmare to crack. I certainly hope that doesn't end up being the case, because if there's anything Apex Legends' ranked mode needs to incentivize further, it certainly isn't camping.

Whatever the case may be, you might also want to check out the latest gameplay trailer as it offers a bit of a closer look at how some of the above-mentioned changes will affect the moment-to-moment gameplay. There's not a lot of details on offer sadly, but even so, it should give you a pretty good impression of what is to come. Have a look:

To learn more about Apex Legends' Season 6, or to simply keep an eye on its upcoming launch, you should head on over to the official website. Enjoy!

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