Apex Legends artwork for Catalyst in Season 15

In order to help spice up the last stretch of Season 15, the Apex Legends team is currently in the process of releasing a sizable new update. Once it arrives later today, the Spellbound update will bring with it a variety of new cosmetics to collect (including a heirloom for Seer), the ability to create private matches, a refreshed version of the 9v9 Control game mode, as well as some small yet impactful balance changes.

Since the new cosmetics are the most eye-catching part of the update, allow me to share with you the gameplay trailer showing off both the paid and free ones. Have a gander:

As for the Control game mode, there's a couple of major quality-of-life tweaks to highlight. First and foremost, the "join in progress" feature has been greatly extended so the matchmaking will try to fill out all of the player slots until one team has a score of 625, or until there's a score difference of 300 between the teams. Combine this with newcomers instantly getting access to better equipment, as well as a new catch-up system that helps losing teams get back into the action, and I have a feeling this new version of Control is going to be quite an entertaining one.

When it comes to the actual gameplay changes, the Spellbound update has slightly reshuffled which weapons can be found on the ground and which must be crafted, and just as slightly tweaked the G7 Scout, Prowler Burst PDW and Sentinel. Out of the three the Sentinel change is by far the most exciting since energizing it now requires only one shield cell instead of two! So I hope you like sniping, because there's going to be quite a few of them once the update goes live!

You can check out the full list of changes and additions, as well as keep an eye on the update's upcoming launch, over at the Apex Legends website. Enjoy, and I'll leave you with a small teaser for the free reward track:

Apex Legends Spellbound update for Season 15 showing off the free track cosmetics

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