The AGDQ event begins tomorrow so tune in and watch some of the best speedrunners around completely demolish the games you love

Awesome Games Done Quick is a week long event where speedrunners from all over gather together to completely break the games you know and love, all in the name of charity.

This years's AGDQ will start light and easy on January 3rd and then ramp up to entire days filled with speedruns from January 4th and onward. You can find the full schedule here.

If you have the free time I'd suggest you tune in because the AGDQ and SGDQ (summer games done quick) events have been an absolute blast to watch every single year since their inception. There is something oddly satisfying about watching pros use crazy glitches and skips in order to beat a game in 20 minutes that probably took you over 20 hours.

Besides simple speedrunning there are plenty of challenge runs for you to enjoy as well. My personal favorite is from last year's SGDQ where two players used a single controller in order to not just beat Dark Souls 2, but to speedrun it! Now that is a sight to behold!


Awesome Games Done Quick 2016 will run from January 3rd until January 10th and will be broadcast over Twitch but don't worry if you end up missing any of your favorite games, the VODs will be available on youtube shortly after.

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