Battleborn Montana and the Demon Bear screenshot featuring some haunted trees

While Battleborn got off to to a rather disastrous start, I have commend Gearbox for how much effort they've put in to fixing the situation. Not only did they continue releasing heroes and balance updates despite a dwindling playerbase, but they've also recently patched in a whole bunch of changes to help new players get acclimated.

Continuing on with this trend they have just released the fourth DLC Story Operation "Montana and the Demon Bear", as well as a brand new hero called Beatrix. Then again, calling her a hero might be a bit of a stretch given that her entire shtick is spreading debilitating poisons and diseases among her enemies. If you're wondering what all of this madness might look like in action, here's the skill overview video for Beatrix:

As for the DLC itself, finding any information about it has proven to be next to impossible. What I can tell you is that you can grab it for 700 Platinum in the in-game store, and that you will be joining Montana in a grand hunt for a demonic bear, but that's pretty much it. Since I can offer you very little in terms of useful information, allow me to send you off with a couple of the more interesting images from the Montana and the Demon Bear DLC:

Battleborn Montana and the Demon Bear DLC screenshot

Battleborn's Montana and the Demon Bear DLC screenshot of the castle

Battleborn's Montana and the Demon Bear spooky skull decoration

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