Jumong skin from Battlerite's new Tales of Horror event

Battlerite's Easter themed event has now come to a close, but rather than give their players a break Stunlock Studios have immediately unleashed a brand new update - Tales of Horror. In this Friday the 13th inspired event you'll have a chance to collect 3 new and 'very spooky' legendary outfits, 6 new epic weapons, 7 new victory poses, as well as all of the nifty content from last year.

You can get a bit of a sneak peek at some of the new skins thought the recently posted trailer down below. It unfortunately doesn't focus on any particular skin for more than a few seconds, but I'm sure that'll be more than enough time for you to pick out your favorites. Have a look:

While you can unlock all of the skins through random drops, your best bet will be to complete the two event-based quests as they award much better items. The first of these quests is available right now, while the second one will appear next week and will end alongside the event on April 25th. Neither of them is really that difficult to complete, so as long as you play for a couple of hours the next two weeks you should be able to get some new toys to play around with.

Besides all of the fancy new cosmetics, this update has also brought in a bunch of great balance changes. Shifu and Ulric have been slightly nerfed, Jamila and Raigon slightly buffed, and the list goes on. You can find all of the details, as well as more information about the Tales of Horror event, over at the official website.

Have fun, and good luck with all the new loot!

A brand new Poloma skin from Battlerite

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