Battlerite artwork of the 27th hero Ulric the Paladin

[Update]: Ulric has now been unleashed, and so far he seems to be pretty dang powerful!

Earlier this month Battlerite received a brand new champion, and already the developers are planning to unleash another one. However, while Jamila was a stealth assassin that focused on damage above all else, the newly announced Ulric is a melee support that's all about keeping his team safe from harm.

You can get a good look at what Ulric is like, as well as what all of his spells do, through the recently posted Champion Preview. It's one of the best videos Stunlock Studios have done in quite a while, so I'd definitely recommend giving it a look:

If this seems like the type of champion you'd love to play around with, you might be glad to hear that Ulric will be coming to Battlerite in a mere two weeks, on March 28th to be specific. As for me personally, I'm certainly looking forward to Ulric because Battlerite sure could use more melee supports! What sort of teams he'll be able to fit in though, that's something we're just going to have to wait and find out I suppose.

You can follow any further news on Ulric, as well as Battlerite itself, by heading over to the official website.

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