Battlerite screenshot of the next hero coming this March 7th

The free-to-play arena brawler Battlerite is soon going to become even more competitive as Stunlock Studios have just announced that the very first competitive season will be starting up on March 7th. The update will also bring with it a variety of balance changes, as well as new features such as regional leaderboards, a pre-game lobby to help you plan your champion picks and strategies, a VR observer mode, and perhaps most interestingly of all, a brand new champion!

While the exact dates haven't been given just yet, the current plan is for the seasons to last around 10 weeks, with each new season appearing every 2-3 months. In order to entice more people towards competitive play Stunlock Studios have also revealed that the seasonal rewards will be based on special quests rather than the end-of-season placement. A small change in the grand scheme of things, but one that I feel is going to have a large impact with the casual side of the playerbase.

As I've mentioned above, the March 7th update will also bring with it a mysterious new champion. Not much is known about her so far, but you can probably gleam a few clues from the recently posted animated short. Have a look, it's quite a fun video:

If you would like to learn more, about the new champion or Battlerite in general, I would suggest keeping an eye out on the official website. The patch is set to arrive in only a couple of days, so chances are good the developers will soon have a full reveal.

Battlerite screenshot of Croak fighting the new hero

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