Battlerite artwork for Alysia the Ice Weaver hero

It has only been a few weeks since Destiny the Sky Ranger has been added as a new champion, and already the Battlerite developers have cooked up a brand new one! That said, "cooked up" might be a bit of an award phrase here considering that Alysia the Ice Weaver is all about freezing her enemies into a solid block of ice.

The official website still doesn't have a full list of her spells and Battlerites, but you can get a good idea of what Alysia is all about through the recently posted Champion Preview video. Have a look, its a relatively short one:

While ice-based heroes are usually healers and back-line supports in other games, it would appear that Alysia is more of an aggressive champion that helps set up enemies for her teammates. Depending on how long her freeze lasts, she has the potential to kickstart some devastating combos since frozen champions aren't exactly the best at dodging massive nukes or ultimates. However, as with all things in Battlerite, there are many ways to avoid getting hit by stuns or snares, so I'm not too worried about Alysia getting out of control.

Whatever the case may be, we'll find out soon enough as Alysia the Ice Weaver is set to arrive this December 13th. Her champion profile is not yet live, but if you would like to learn more about her I'd recommend keeping an eye on the official website as its bound to appear in the near future.

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