Battlerite official artwork showcasing numerous characters

Battlerite launched in Early Access a couple of months ago, but unlike most of the games that simply languish under the Early Access banner the developers have taken it upon themselves to release as many updates as humanly possible. There have already been numerous balance changes, new hero additions, new maps, and naturally, a bunch of cosmetics to collect.

The most recent update is no different in this regard given that it brings with it a brand new hero by the name of Pestilus (inspired by Bloodline Champion's Blood Priest), a greatly improved ranking system, a bunch of winter cosmetics, and naturally, some balance changes to round everything up. But first things first, here's the preview video showcasing Pestilus in all of his bulbous glory:

Since there are far too many changes for me to simply summarize, if you're interested in all of the details I would recommend you head over to the announcement post. You'll find both the balance changes and an explanation for the new ranking system over there, so in terms of information you should be pretty much covered.

And if you're wondering whether Battlerite is worth the asking price or not, you can find my review by heading over here. Long story short, it is a worthy successor to Bloodline Champions and a pretty damn solid PvP game in its own right. Its fast-paced, its enjoyable, and most importantly, there is absolutely no randomness to screw you over! So if you're into these sort of games, I would recommend you at leave give it a look.

And as a final note, here's a couple of the winter cosmetics you can collect:

Battlerite Winter cosmetics

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