Mass Effect Legendary Edition artwork and logo

[Update]: Mass Effect Legendary Edition has now been unleashed without too many technical issues or bugs!

After the disappointingly mediocre Mass Effect: Andromeda, I honestly didn't expect to hear anything from the series for at least five or so years. As such, I am both surprised and delighted to announce that not only is BioWare working on a brand new Mass Effect game, but that they are remastering the original trilogy as well!

As for the new Mass Effect game, the only thing I can tell you right now is that it'll be the "next chapter" for the Mass Effect universe and that it currently has some of BioWare's most veteran devs working on it. For the actual details, or even simply the name of the game, we'll most likely have to wait a couple of years.

Thankfully, the same does not apply to the Mass Effect Legendary Edition. Once it arrives in Spring 2021 for PC, Xbox and PlayStation, it'll bring with it all three games and every single piece of DLC, alongside a variety of visual improvements and support for 4K resolution.

Once we get more information, and ideally a gameplay trailer showing off the fancy new improvements, I'll make sure to let you know. Until then, I'll leave you with the rather brief teaser trailer. Enjoy the nostalgia blast!

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