Heroes of the Storm Mecha skins screenshot

If you're a fan of Blizzard's MOBA Heroes of the Storm, I'm afraid I come bearing bad news. According to a recent developer update, Blizzard will be greatly slowing down development on Heroes of the Storm, while the Heroes Global Championship and Heroes of the Dorm esports events have been straight up canceled.

"Despite the change, Heroes of the Storm remains our love letter to Blizzard’s worlds and characters. We’ll continue actively supporting the game with new heroes, themed events, and other content that our community loves, though the cadence will change," reads the lengthy blog post. "Ultimately, we’re setting up the game for long-term sustainability."

"While we don’t make these decisions lightly, we do look to the future excited about what the decisions will mean for our other live games and all the projects we have in the works. We appreciate all of our hard-working developers and everyone in the Blizzard community, and look forward to sharing many more epic gaming experiences with you in the future."

Even though these changes are likely to herald a slow decline for Heroes of the Storm, there is at least one positive in all of this - Blizzard is seemingly pulling developers towards new projects, rather than simply reinforcing the currently existing ones. There have already been rumors about a Diablo and Warcraft project being in the works, so who knows, maybe the Heroes of the Storm devs will play a crucial part in getting those games up and running. It's not much of a consolation, I'm fully aware, but at this point we can only hope something good will come from all of this.

If Blizzard releases any more information I'll make sure to let you know, but until then I would highly recommend you give Heroes of the Storm a try. It might not be for everyone, and it does have some significant flaws, but it's definitely fun for a couple of games here and there. Enjoy, and let me leave you with the trailer for the most recent hero Orphea:

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