Radical Heights screenshot of a colorful grenade

Boss Key Productions has not been in a good spot for a very long time now. LawBreakers failed to make any sort of impact, and while the newly released Radical Heights has a fairly decent playerbase, it would appear that it is nowhere near enough to support a fully staffed studio. As such, I am afraid that Boss Key Productions is now shutting down.

"Four years ago I set out to make a world class video game studio and I hired some of the best talent in the videogame industry. They worked tirelessly to produce a quality product and, while we had our ups and downs, I'd like to think we had fun doing it," said Cliff Bleszinski in a brief announcement on Twitter. "LawBreakers was a great game that unfortunately failed to gain traction, and, in a last ditch attempt we scrambled to do our take on the huge battle royale genre with Radical Heights which was well received, however, it was too little too late."

"As for myself, I'm going to take some time off and reflect. I need to focus on myself and family as well as my Aussie, Teddy, who is slowly fading from us. Videogames will forever be a part of who I am and I hope to make something new again someday, however, I need to withdraw and take this time. To those of you who have supported myself and the studio these last four years, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart and everyone who came to work for me."

The servers for Radical Heights will remain up for the "near future", though active development is obviously going to cease. While I can't exactly say I'm sad to see Radical Heights go the way of the dodo, I do hope its developers will manage to find work elsewhere in the industry. LawBreakers really wasn't that bad of a game, it's complete lack of identity aside, so there's a good chance the people behind it will wind out creating something pretty darn cool in the future.

If you would like to keep updated on the whole situation, as well as check out some of the behind-the-scenes stuff, make sure to follow Cliff Bleszinski's Twitter as he's been quite active recently.

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