CDPR artwork for the new Project Golden Nekker Gwent game

[Update #3]: CDPR has finally unleashed the roguelike singleplayer expansion for Gwent - Rogue Mage.

[Update #2]: It looks like CD Projekt Red has kept them selves quite busy! In addition to the new Witcher and Gwent games, they have now announced a new Cyberpunk 2077 expansion, as well as a spin-off game.

[Update]: CD Projekt Red has announced that The Witcher 4 is currently being made in Unreal Engine 5!

While it never did become highly popular, mostly because it was delayed over and over again, Gwent's singleplayer spin-off Thronebreaker was a remarkably fun game. Perhaps a bit too easy on the gameplay side of things, but the ability to dive deep into the Witcher universe and learn about all sorts of fascinating characters more than made up for it.

A fair bit of time has gone by since then, and it seems that CDPR has now finally decided to give the concept another chance with project Golden Nekker. The details are still shrouded in mystery, but according to IGN's brief reveal CDPR is looking to provide a “captivating single-player for players who prefer it over competitive multiplayer Gwent.”

Despite the similarities to Thronebreaker, CDPR has already come out to say that Golden Nekker won't be “another Witcher Tales, but something different.” What exactly that means, I have no idea, but I do hope that Golden Nekker will maintain the same focus on storytelling as its predecessor.

I'd love to tell you more, but outside of the release date being at some point in 2022, I'm afraid that's pretty much it. Once the full reveal goes live, most likely at some point this summer, I'll make sure to let you know.

Until then, give Thronebreaker a try if you haven't since it's 70% off on Steam until February 3, 2022. Have fun!

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