If you've somehow managed to avoid playing any of the Civilization games, you're in luck as Humble Bundle is currently offering Civilization 3: Complete Edition for free. Simply head over to the Humble Store, go through the 'purchasing' process, and you'll be well on your way to many sleepless nights.
It is worth mentioning, however, that this offer will only last until tomorrow, or rather for the next 14 hours. As such, I would highly recommend you go and grab it as soon as possible, even if you aren't planning to play it any time soon. Simply adding the key to your Steam account will be enough to claim it forever.
As for whether its worth a 'playthrough', I'd say the answer is a definite yes. Its not my favorite Civilization game out there, that would be Civilization 4, but even so Civilization 3 is considered a classic for a very good reason. The visuals might be dated at this point, but the gameplay still holds up remarkably well and is more than enjoyable. So if you ever wanted to give the Civ series a try, this really wouldn't be a bad game to start your journey with. And as a final note, allow me to leave you with the original and extremely dated trailer, just for nostalgia's sake. Enjoy!