Fallout: New Vegas official artwork and logo for the classic RPG

If you're a fan of story-focused RPGs and you've somehow managed to avoid giving Fallout: New Vegas a try all of these years, consider this the perfect chance to rectify that mistake. I say this because the Epic Games Store is currently giving away Fallout: New Vegas - Ultimate Edition, which is the complete package, for free!

The one catch, as always, is the time limit. You only have until June 1st to add Fallout: New Vegas to your account, though once you've done that you'll be able to play it whenever you want and for however long you want.

Personally, I would highly recommend giving it a try. While it's definitely a little bit janky as Obsidian was pushed to release it before it was truly ready, Fallout: New Vegas is still an incredibly well written RPG that offers you a myriad of interesting choices to make, locations to explore and characters to annoy with endless questions. It's one of my favorite RPGs ever and a game I'm more than happy to replay every couple of years, so if you're not afraid of messing up your sleep schedule, Fallout: New Vegas is definitely worth picking up while it's free.

That's pretty much everything you need to know, so have fun with it and I'll leave you with one of the ancient trailers to help set the atmosphere:

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