All of CS:GO's Glove Case skins

[Update]: Without any prior warning, Valve has just unleashed Counter-Strike 2 as a free update!

Valve is pretty well known these days for the overwhelming amount of cosmetic items they keep adding to their games, so much so that they have managed to create an entire, self-sustained hat-based economy! As such, it shouldn't come as much of a surprise to hear that the most recent CS:GO patch has added in a whole bunch of cosmetic gloves to collect.

But if you wish to show the world your impeccable fashion sense in handwear, I'm afraid I have a bit of bad news as the gloves are currently only available as a special drop from the new Glove Case. In other words, be prepared to open a whole lot of crates before you get any glove, let alone the one you actually want.

Outside of new gloves, weapon cosmetics, and music kits, there is also one new addition in this update - the Steam Group Lobbies. As you can guess from the name alone, these will allow you to easily group up with other players from your Steam Groups, making any sort of organized play a breeze to orchestrate. There's also a couple of bug and map fixes in there as well, so if you're interested in the full patch notes I'd recommend you head over here.

And finally, here's a couple of the more... interesting glove skins:

CS:GO glove skin Emerald Web

CS:GO glove skin snakebite

CS:GO glove skin Snakebite

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