Screenshot of Terry Crews from the upcoming Crackdown 3

After being delayed time and time again, Crackdown 3 appears to have finally been pinned down to a February 2019 release date for both PC and Xbox One. Once it arrives you can expect to see a futuristic and truly massive open-world, a whole host of unique and interesting weapons, and apparently Terry Crews himself using said weapons to unleash a torrent of destruction!

If you think I'm making some sort of joke that's going over your head, rest assured that I am 100% serious. As it turns out, in Crackdown 3 we will be playing as Terry Crews whose playing as Commander Jaxon! Since I'm sure some of you are still think I'm yanking your chain, allow me to show you the recently posted E3 trailer. It's quite something!

Once the full release date gets announced I'll make sure to update you, but until then you can learn a bit more about Terry Crews: The Game over at the official website.

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