King Arthur: Knight's Tale official artwork without logo

[Update]: After many updates and over a year in Early Access, King Arthur: Knight's Tale has now been unleashed!

If you were hoping to get your hands on the dark fantasy turn-based RPG King Arthur: Knight's Tale this March 29th, I'm afraid I have some bad news to deliver. According to the latest developer update, the full release of King Arthur: Knight's Tale has now been pushed back to April 26th, 2022.

"Content and gameplay-wise, King Arthur: Knight's Tale is mostly finished and ready for release, but over these additional four weeks we'll be focusing on improving voice acting and finishing localization tasks, in addition to testing, ensuring our players get the best and smoothest launch experience possible," reads the brief update. "It wasn't an easy decision to make, but still, we think it was the right one, as our intention is to release a game we can be proud of."

While the exact details are still shrouded in mystery, you can expect the launch version to bring with it the rest of the story campaign along with a chunky new endgame mode. There will also be a bunch of quality-of-life improvements and performance tweaks, changes for the PvP mode, and the usual batch of balance adjustments.

Once King Arthur: Knight's Tale finally launches from Early Access I'll make sure to let you know. For now, however, you can learn more about it and its future over at Steam.

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