Dark Souls 3 atmospheric screenshot of a sunset from The Ringed City DLC

[Update #2]: I have a bit of good news to share. Dark Souls Remastered's servers are now once again live!

[Update]: Dark Souls 2: SOTFS PC servers are once again live, while the Dark Souls: PTD ones will sadly stay offline.

During the lead-up to Elden Ring a major vulnerability was discovered in the matchmaking system for the entire Dark Souls series. With there being no easy fix for the problem, FromSoftware opted to take down all of the online features on PC until a proper solution could be found.

Nearly a year has gone by since then, but I'm happy to say that things are finally looking up! Thanks to the freshly launched update, all online features for Dark Souls 3 should now be fully live on PC and free of the crippling vulnerability.

According to the brief announcement, the team is also currently in the process of implementing this fix for the other Dark Souls games. So unless something goes horribly wrong, you can expect online functionality to become available across the entire series in the near future.

Once that happens I'll make sure to let you know. Until then, have fun smacking each other around across the entirety of the Kingdom of Lothric!

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