If you love Dark Souls as much as I do I'm afraid I bring some bittersweet news. On one hand Dark Souls 3 will soon be getting its second and final piece of DLC to round up the story, but on the other hand this is also going to be the last piece of Dark Souls content we're ever going to get. FromSoftware will continue developing Souls-like games, don't you worry about that, but the upcoming The Ringed City DLC will be the grand finale for the Dark Souls trilogy.

As far as the story is concerned, the only thing I can tell you right now is that we will be chasing the Slave Knight Gael to the literal end of the world as he searches for the Dark Soul of Humanity. As you might imagine, this journey will be filled with new monsters to mercilessly beat up, a whole bunch of secrets to uncover, and naturally, a variety of bosses to miserably fail against.

If you're wondering what this might look like in gameplay terms, you'll find the recently posted teaser trailer down below. Do bear in mind, however, that there are some spoilers in this video, especially if you have an encyclopedic knowledge of the Dark Souls series and its characters. So if you want to remain completely oblivious I'm afraid you're going to have to skip out on this one. But for the rest of you, here's the video:

Dark Souls 3: The Ringed City will be coming to both PC and consoles on March 28th. If you would like to find out more I would recommend heading over to Steam, though don't expect to discover any new information as there simply isn't any. And to end all of this on a bit of an emotional note, here's the final quote from the announcement message: "A new world. One last journey." 

Dark Souls 3: The Ringed City screenshot showing a massive shield

Dark Souls 3: The Ringed City DLC screenshot showing a giant hollow knight

Dark Souls 3: The Ringed City screenshot showing some gorgeous enviroments

Dark Souls 3: The Ringed City giant bug near a graveyard

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