Darksiders 3 official artwork showing off Fury's whip

Darksiders 3 arrived for PC and consoles back in November, and unfortunately it did so alongside a whole host of problems. The dodging mechanics were clunky, there were bugs everywhere, and the first hour of gameplay was quite possibly the worst the game had to offer. Thankfully, THQ Nordic have taken these complaints to heart and have slowly but surely improved the overall experience. There's still a lot of work to be done, but Darksiders 3 is now at the very least a pretty decent game.

Continuing on with the constant stream of updates, THQ Nordic has now also released a variety of bug fixes and balance changes, as well as added a brand new "Classic" combat mode. As you might imagine from the name alone, the Classic combat mode makes the overall gameplay feel similar to the first two Darksiders games, meaning you can now dodge to interrupt your attacks, use items instantly, and so forth.

In my eyes the new changes are a definitive improvement as they help keep the combat nice and smooth, so if you're still playing Darksiders 3, do make sure to give the new Classic mode a try. You can change it in the options menu at any point during your journey, and it has absolutely no effect on the difficulty setting or achievements, so even if you're on the fence, there really is no reason to avoid taking it for a short spin.

To learn more about this update, as well as check out the full patch notes, you should head on over to Steam. Have fun smacking demons around!

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