Darktide artwork for the new Tox Bomber enemy

[Update]: Darktide's Path of Redemption update has added a free Battle Pass, numerous cosmetics, Tox Bomber enemy and more.

After a couple of announcements announcing a future announcement that will announce more details, Fatshark has now finally spilled the beans on what's coming next for Darktide. And I'm happy to say, the freshly revealed Path of Redemption update is looking pretty darn good!

First and foremost, once the update arrives in late April it'll bring with it a brand new enemy - the Dreg Tox Bomber. As the name might imply, the Tox Bomber will be an area denial specialist chucking Blight Grenades filled with toxic fumes in order to both damage the players and force them out of cover. A significantly stinkier alternative to the current bombers, I suppose.

You can also look forward to a brand new reward system centered around cosmetics. By completing a variety of tasks you'll be able to unlock more than a hundred new cosmetics, which includes everything from armor sets to emotes, poses and trinkets. And speaking of armor sets, one of the sets revealed so far will be based on the game's key art, and another will be a loyalist version of the Moebian 6th outfits!

The good news doesn't end there, however, as the Path of Redemption update will also bring with it all-new puzzles and challenges which, unsurprisingly, will come with their own little rewards. What exactly all of this will entail, nobody outside of Fatshark currently knows, but it looks like there will be a variety of new things to discover throughout the 'old' maps, which does sound like it'll be a lot of fun to mess around with.

The final major addition is the Personality Scourge. While it sounds dreadful, and knowing the Warhammer 40k universe is most likely straight up torture, the Personality Scourge is a very handy player customization tool that will allow you to change previously locked aspects of your character: the background, height, name and voice. So if you're like me and you regret not choosing the 'My Beloved' pskyer, rejoice as you'll soon be able to rectify that mistake!

You can read more about the Path of Redemption update, as well as check out a few screenshots, over at Steam. Enjoy, and I'll make sure to let you know once the update actually goes live at some point in late April 2024.

Darktide Path of Redemption artwork showing off the new character

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