DayZ official screenshot of a zombie attack

If you're still curious about DayZ, or if you simply want to see how things have evolved since the early days of the mod, you might be glad to hear that it's going to be free to try out for the next couple of days. To be more specific, from 10am PST on May 21st until 10am PST on May 25th DayZ will be entirely free to check out on Steam.

As for what exactly you're getting yourself into, that you'll find out through last year's "This is DayZ" trailer. It's a little bit outdated at this point, but it should still clue you in quite nicely. Have a look:

Should you find yourself enjoying the experience, it's also worth mentioning that DayZ will be on a bit of a discount throughout the event. The base game will be 40% off on Steam, while the price of its Livonia DLC will be cut by 20%.

You can learn more about both of them, as well as check out the free trial event once it goes live, over at Steam. Have fun, and if you can, do try to play DayZ with a friend - it's far more enjoyable that way.

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