Dead or Alive 6 close up screenshot of a character's face

After a rather lengthy hiatus, the Dead or Alive fighting game series will be returning in early 2018. The exact release date hasn't been announced just yet, but you can expect Dead or Alive 6 to release on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

If you're interested in what exactly Dead or Alive 6 brings to the table in terms of visuals and gameplay, allow me to share with you two of the recently posted trailer. The first one is the announcement video, while second one is fairly lengthy developer preview, courtesy of IGN Live. Have a look:

While the gameplay details are still shrouded in mystery, you might be interested to hear that Dead or Alive 6 will be toning down the overtly sexual outfits and removing the iconic (and quite honestly hilariously over-the-top) breast physics in favor of more elaborate and interesting costumes. Personally, I am a big fan of this decision since I always prefer having my characters look more badass than skimpy, but given that "Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball" is a thing I'm sure there are going to be quite a few people that disagree with me. Either way, Dead or Alive 6 appears to be a rather interesting new direction for the series.

More information will be revealed on June 11th, so sit tight until then.

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