Dead or Alive 6 close up screenshot of Kasumi

After being absent for quite a few years, the Dead or Alive series has now returned to both PC and consoles with Dead or Alive 6. It brings with it a new engine and improved visuals, visible damage on characters as the battle goes on, and perhaps most surprisingly given the series' history, the toning down of "jiggle physics" in favor of more interesting costumes.

If you're wondering what all of this might look like in gameplay terms, allow me to share with you one of the earlier trailers. I'd usually go for the more recent launch trailer, but it's unfortunately a bit of an incoherent mess, so here's the release date trailer instead:

As for whether Dead or Alive 6 is any good or not, I'm afraid I can't offer you any personal opinions as I'm not exactly a big fan of fighting games. What I can tell you, however, is that the Steam reviews are currently a bit of a mix bag, with a fair few people complaining about the lack of content and the overpriced Season Pass (it's €90, if you can even believe that). The gameplay does seem to be pretty solid, so if you're a fan of the series, Dead or Alive 6 might be worth a closer look once some of its initial problems have been sorted out.

You can learn a little bit more about Dead or Alive 6, as well as follow its development moving forward, by hopping over to either Steam or the official website. Have fun!

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