Destiny 2 official artwork

Destiny 2's console betas have long since come and gone, but soon the gates will be opening once more, though this time around to PC players. The Early Access phase (for those that have pre-ordered Destiny 2) will begin on August 28th, while everyone else will be able to hop into the Open Beta on August 29th. As with the console version, the PC Open Beta will only last for a couple of days, until August 31st.

In terms of content you can expect to see the beginnings of Destiny 2's story campaign, a three-player cooperative Strike by the name of Inverted Spire, as well as a bit of competitive multiplayer spread across two 4v4 game modes. If you're wondering what all of this might look like, here's the recently posted teaser trailer showcasing the PC version of Destiny 2. Have a gander:

The console versions of Destiny 2 will be ready to launch on September 6th, while the PC version will be coming with some delays despite the video pointing towards a simultaneous release. To be more specific, the PC version of Destiny 2 will be coming to October 24th exclusively through Blizzard's Battle.Net client (which has now finally dropped the stupid 'Blizzard App' name). To learn more, or check out some of the other videos, I would suggest heading over to the official website.

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