Doom Eternal official artwork and logo

[Update]: Doom Eternal's latest gameplay trailer highlights the new weapons and storylines.

While Doom 2016's multiplayer is a bit on the mediocre side, the singleplayer campaign is a perfect example of how to take an oldschool gameplay formula and recreate it for our modern world. With that in mind, I am very glad to say that Bethesda has recently announced Doom Eternal, a direct sequel to Doom 2016!

There aren't that many details available just yet, but you can expect to see a whole bunch of new weapons to use against a variety of new and classic demons, large maps to scour for pickups and secrets, and just as importantly, a brand new soundtrack composed by Mick Gordon. If you're interested in a small peek at what all of this might look like, you'll find the freshly posted E3 trailer right below. Have a look:

The full gameplay reveal will be done at QuakeCon 2018 this August 10th. If any further information gets released I'll make sure to let you know, but until then you should probably go and sign up for the newsletter over at the official website, just to stay in the loop.

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