Doom Eternal screenshot of an empowered demon

[Update]: Doom Eternal is shifting development from the PvP Invasion mode to the single-player Horde mode.

As a part of Doom Eternal's first update, the developers added Empowered Demons to the singleplayer campaign in order to spice up the whole experience. However, in an effort to disrupt the actual gameplay as little as possible, they ended up making the Empowered Demons incredibly rare, and thus almost completely inconsequential. Now that Update 2 has arrived, this has thankfully been fixed and Empowered Demons will be a lot more likely to show up and get annihilated alongside their brethren.

Update 2 has also included a brand new Battlemode map by the name of Torment, as well as an assortment of bug fixes and improvements. For example, you can now set up unique keybinds per demon, the recent latency issues have hopefully been corrected, while the customization menu has been made a lot more intuitive to use.

You can get a quick overview of what all of this looks like in-game through the recently posted trailer. Have a gander, it's a fairly short one:

If you're looking for all of the details, however, you'll find the full patch notes and developer commentary over at the Doom website. Have fun ripping and tearing the new stuff apart!