Doom live action trailer looks pretty damn good

Do you remember the eldritch abomination that was 2005's live action Doom movie? If you do, you'll be greatly relieved to hear that the recently posted live action Doom trailer shares absolutely nothing with it.

What it has instead is copious amounts of explosions, hard rock, demons, and a surprising lack of demons getting blown up on screen. Either way, its well worth the 1 minute it takes to watch it:

If you're wondering what the song is, the helpful Youtube community has managed to down some answers, its Darude - Sandstorm New Noise - Refused.

The Doom beta is currently underway for those that pre-ordered Wolfenstein: The New Order, but if you live in the US or Canada you might just have a second chance at getting in. According to Doom's beta FAQ, GameStop and EB Games (Canada) will be distributing free Doom Closed Beta access codes until April 3rd, so make sure to grab them while they're available.

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