Doom open beta starts on April 15, DLC plans have been announced

[Update] The open beta ends on April 17, not 18.

Those that pre-ordered Wolfenstein: The New Order have been blowing each other to bits in the closed Doom beta for about a week now, and soon enough we'll all have a chance to throw our own hats in to the ring as the open beta has been scheduled to start on April 15, and last till April 17.

The beta will not require any type of code to play, you will simply be able to log in with the platform of your choice and start blasting away in either Team Deathmatch, or Warpath modes on the two currently available maps: Heatwave and Infernal. Along with this announcement came news of the upcoming Doom DLCs packs, and unfortunately, this is where the good news stops.

The first of three planned multiplayer DLC packs will be releasing in summer and bringing with it:

Three new maps

One new weapon

One new playable demon       

One new armour set

One new piece of equipment

New hack modules and taunts

New customization colours and patterns

Each DLC will cost $15/€15 separately, or $40/€40 if you buy them together as a part of the Season Pass.

Doom's graphics are quite the sight to behold

While there is a way to make DLC like this work in everyone's favor, I'm extremely worried that even the very first Doom DLC is going to fragment the playerbase beyond repair given that it locks away three maps behind a rather steep €15 paywall.

The second issue is, why is Bethesda even selling straight up content in the form of new weapons, demons, and maps when they could instead take the Dota 2 route of selling you cosmetics, unique weapon skins, and who knows what else one can monetize in a multiplayer FPS. The Dota 2 route is far friendlier to the community, ensures that people come back every time a new map or a weapon releases, and most importantly, capitalizes on the fact that everyone loves buying stuff that makes them look cooler than the 'simple plebeians'.

I'll reserve my judgement for when further information gets released, but as of right now I'm incredibly disappointed with the route Bethesda has taken with the DLC, and Doom isn't even out yet!

Speaking of which, Doom will be available on PC, Xbox One and PS4 on May 13.

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