Door Kickers 2 has been announce today and its going to mark the game's transition in to 3D

[Update]: A greatly improved version of Door Kickers 2 has now been pinned for a Q2, 2020 release date.

If this is your first time meeting Door Kickers its best explained as a real time strategy game where you take control of a SWAT team during a tactical intervention against overwhelming numbers of armed opponents. A successful raid is all about good planning, timing, coordination and most importantly kicking down doors.

When Door Kickers released back in 2014 it received overwhelmingly positive reviews and has since then added even more content so I'm very glad I can tell you that Door Kickers 2 is now in the works according to a recent developer blog post. Here's the full announcement message:

"As 2015 has come to an end, it’s time to talk about the future, and the future is Door Kickers 2 … and more.

DK2 brings the step to 3D: environments, characters – but keeps the clear and easy-to-use top down perspective and hardcore, unforgiving action. It keeps the real life action but moves it to a new and exciting setting. And it changes … everything.

Oh, are we being a little vague? Yes, we are.

On Sunday, January the 17th of 2016 you will know more. In case you wonder, that’s exactly 3 years after we let the first news out on Door Kickers."

While I don't have any further confirmed information for you, one of the developers did mention that many of the following features are planned for Door Kickers 2: better use of vertical space, more options such as blind fire, leaning, melee combat, enemies being able to surrender and day/night cycles affecting the mission.

Again, none of that is confirmed given that it was only talked about briefly by one members of the team in the comments but it should still give you an idea about where Door Kickers 2 will be heading.

Further information will be revealed on January 17th and I for one am looking forward to it.

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