Dota 2 artwork for the fancy new gunslinger hero Muerta

[Update #2]: Patch 7.32e has now arrived with Muerta and surprisingly small batch of balance changes.

[Update]: Second part of Dota 2's Battle Pass has arrived with a wolf Persona for Crystal Maiden and a new Diretide PvP event.

In order to make the finale of The International 2022 even more memorable, Valve has decided to take this opportunity to unveil a brand new hero! While the exact details are basically nonexistent, the freshly announced Muerta will be a dual-wielding gunslinger that seems to exist on the border between life and death.

What Muerta looks like in action, that you can get a little sneak peek at through the teaser trailer below. Have a gander, it's quite a stylish look:

Given that this is Valve we're talking about, it should come as little surprise to hear that Muerta currently has no release date. Instead, all I can really tell you is that Muerta will be ready to blast the lanes apart at some point in early 2023.

Thankfully, the wait shouldn't be too annoying as the much-anticipated second part of the Battle Pass (which has been given out for free to everyone) will be launching this November 3rd. Part 2 will bring with it The Candyworks as a new Diretide-style event mode, the Conduit of the Blueheart' Crystal Maiden persona that is seemingly going to transform her into a wolf, as well as a bunch of other cosmetic goodies.

Once that update goes live, or Valve decides to reveal some actual information about Muerta, I'll make sure to let you know. Until then, have fun catching up with any of The International 2022 games you might have missed as the tournament has only just concluded!

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