Dota 2 artwork for the ghostly gunslinger hero Muerta

[Update #2]: Dota 2's gigantic Update 7.33 has greatly expanded the map, reworked core mechanics and rebalanced just about everything.

[Update]: Patch 7.32e has now arrived with Muerta and surprisingly small batch of balance changes.

If you're tired of the current meta and itching for a serious shakeup, you'll be happy to hear that the Dota 2 team is currently working on a major update. In classic Valve tradition the details are currently nonexistent, but what I can tell you is that the update will be officially unveiled on March 6th once the Lima Major has come to a close.

Besides the usual avalanche of balance changes and general tweaks to peruse, the big thing to watch out for is the likely gameplay reveal for the next hero - the dual-wielding gunslinger Muerta. Rumor has it that she's supposed to be a brand new carry, though given the Dota 2 team's design philosophy, it's entirely possible she'll be able to fill a bunch of different roles.

Whatever the case may be, I'll make sure to fill you in on all of the details once Muerta and her accompanying update get properly announced. For now, however, allow me to share with you the teaser trailer. Have a peek:

The good news doesn't end there, however, as Valve has also taken this opportunity to announce that they have just banned over 40,000 cheaters! What happened is that they created a honeypot within the game - a section of data that is never read during normal gameplay, but could be read by those using cheats. And now, after a few weeks worth of data, Valve has finally sprung the trap and caught themselves a sizable haul of cheaters!

You can read all about this over at the Dota 2 website. Enjoy!

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