Dota 2 spring cleaning update artwork

[Update #2]: Dota 2's Patch 7.34 has now arrived with an avalanche of balance changes and gameplay tweaks.

[Update]: Dota 2 devs have started up a new blog detailing development challenges and interesting bug fixes.

It's only been a couple of days since the Bali Major 2023 concluded, and already the Dota 2 team has launched a brand new balance update. Since the next big tournament is right around the corner, the freshly launched Patch 7.33e is all about bringing the overpeforming heroes back in line and thus does not contain buffs to any of the struggling ones.

In other words, heroes like Broodmother, Morphling, Medusa, Undying and Doom have now been smacked over the head with a nerf bat. Some like Doom and Storm Spirit have received relatively minor changes that will be barely noticeable in an average game, while others like Medusa and Morphling have received more comprehensive nerfs that will require a bit of effort in order to overcome.

You can check out the full list of changes to all eleven nerfed heroes over at the Dota 2 website.

If the lack of buffs and other more positive changes is somewhat disappointing to you, worry not as you won't have to wait all that long for the next major update as Valve is planning to launch Patch 7.34 in August before The International Regional Qualifiers start. While the details are still nonexistent, these pre-International updates have almost always shaken up the meta and buffed up whole swathes of heroes (hello Earthshaker), so I'm expecting the same from Patch 7.34.

Once that update arrives, or Valve launches another sudden batch of tweaks, I'll make sure to let you know. Until then, have fun figuring out the new meta!

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