Far Cry 6 official artwork and logo

[Update]: Far Cry 6 has now arrived onto PC and consoles with a few new twists on the age-old Ubisoft formula.

If you were hoping to get your hands on Far Cry 6 this February, I'm afraid I bring some bad news. Due to the pandemic messing everything up, Ubisoft has now officially delayed Far Cry 6. Not only that, but no new release date has been announced just yet, so it's quite possible Far Cry 6 will only appear in late 2021.

"While we know you are all anxious to get your hands on Far Cry 6, we want to let you know that we've been given more time to allow us to make this the game you aspire to play while focusing on the well-being of our teams in this unprecedented global context," explains the brief update. "Our teams around the world are working in the studios and from their homes to pour their passion and creativity into making an unforgettable game - one we hope you will love."

As much as it sucks having to wait an extra few months for a game you're excited for, delays like this are almost always a good thing. At the end of the day, Ubisoft will need to finish Far Cry 6 before we can all properly enjoy it, and I'd much rather they finish it before I buy it rather than three months after launch.

Once the new release date gets announced I'll make sure to let you know. For now, however, you can read a little bit more about Far Cry 6 over at the official website.

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