Elden Ring official artwork showing off the logo

[Update #2]: Elden Ring's Shadow of the Erdtree expansion is launching on June 21st with a rather large price tag.

[Update]: Elden Ring's very first expansion, Shadow of the Erdtree, has just been revealed!

If PvP is your bread and butter in the Souls games, you'll be happy to hear that Elden Ring's latest Update 1.08 is all about facilitating it! The mighty Colosseums in Limgrave, Caelid and Leyndell have now finally opened up their doors, and with that comes a variety of new PvP modes to mess around with.

The Limgrave Colosseum brings with it two distinct game modes: Combat Ordeal which is essentially a free-for-all brawl where the goal is to get as many kills as possible before the timer runs out, and United Combat which is just a fancy name for team-based deathmatch.

As for the Royal Colosseum in Leyndell, that one is all about dueling. There are no respawns or allies to help you out in this one - it's just a straight forward fight between two players. And finally, the Caelid Colosseum offers you access to all of the aforementioned game modes along with the ability to summon Spirit Ashes to fight by your side.

What all of this looks like in action, that you can get a little sneak peek at through the update trailer below. Have a gander:

The final thing worth mentioning is that the Colloseum update has also been accompanied by a decently sized batch of balance changes. The list is far too specific to even attempt to summarize it, so if you're interested in all of the details you'll find what you seek over at Steam.

Good luck in the arena!

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