Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade screenshot of the ninja Yuffie

[Update]: It took a little while, but Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade has now launched for Steam and the Steam Deck as well.

After being announced only a few short days ago, the improved version of the Final Fantasy VII Remake has now landed onto PC. The Intergrade version brings with it an assortment of visual enhancements, a couple of new story moments set within the original campaign, and most importantly of all, a brand new piece of DLC starring the ninja Yuffie.

If you're curious what all of this looks like in action on PC, allow me to share with you the recently posted announcement trailer. Have a gander, it's a fairly short one:

While the Final Fantasy VII Remake itself is excellent, the PC port seems to be a bit divisive so far. Some are praising it and claiming it runs perfectly, while others can't seem to push through the avalanche of bugs and performance issues to actually enjoy the game.

The truth probably lies somewhere in between, so if you're planning to grab the Final Fantasy VII Remake, I'd highly advise taking advantage of Epic Games' refund policy. As long as you've played the game for less than two hours you can refund it without any hassle. So treat those two hours as a demo, see how it runs on your rig, and then decide if the PC port is worth your money.

Have fun, and if you're interested in learning a little bit more about the Final Fantasy VII Remake you should head on over to the official website.

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