Star Trek: Bridge Crew screenshot of the Enterprise

Star Trek: Bridge Crew released yesterday for the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift, bringing with it the one thing every Star Trek fan always wished for: the ability to sit in the captain's chair and constantly order their friends around! Given that the whole premise sounds like a gimmick you might assume the game is nothing more than a passing distraction, but if the critic and user reviews are any indicator its actually pretty damn good!

As such I am very glad to say that every new HTC Vive purchase will come with a 'free' copy of Star Trek: Bridge Crew. An incredibly smart move in my opinion since this is one of the rare few VR games that is more than glorified tech demo. After all, is there a better way to get someone hooked on VR than to offer them an enjoyable, but also lengthy experience?

If you don't know much about Star Trek: Bridge Crew or what all the hubbub is about, here's the recently posted launch trailer to hopefully enlighten you. Its a little bit over-edited, but it should still give you a good idea of what exactly Star Trek: Bridge Crew is all about. Enjoy!

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